Bharatpur to Jaipur Bus Travel: A Comprehensive Guide
Distance, Travel Time, and Bus Schedules
The distance between Bharatpur and Jaipur by road is approximately 173 kilometers. The bus journey takes about 3 hours and 20 minutes, depending on the bus type and traffic conditions.
First and Last Bus Departures
The earliest departure from Bharatpur is at 12:30 PM. The last bus leaves Bharatpur at around 10:00 PM.
Bus Operators
Several renowned bus operators, including RSRTC and UPSRTC, provide bus services between Bharatpur and Jaipur. You can book your tickets online or through authorized agents.
Ticket Prices and Discounts
Ticket prices vary depending on the bus type and operator. RSRTC offers discounts for students and senior citizens. You can avail of additional discounts by using online booking platforms and promo codes.